Saturday, August 31, 2013

Mass Brewers Fest

Last night was the Mass Brewers Fest at the WTC in the Seaport and my third year attending. Awesome (and ridiculous) as always, and quite the kickoff for Labor Day weekend. As I'm watching the first College Gameday of the season and recovering, it seems like a good time for some documentation.

There were so many great beers, but here are my favorite new discoveries:
  • Riverwalk (Newburyport, MA) - Gnomad
    • Belgian with lots of citrus
  • Riverwalk (Newburyport, MA) - Unveiled 
    • Hibiscus with pink peppercorn
  • Mayflower (Plymouth, MA) - S'mores
    • Cask beer, earthy, with subtle sweetness. Apparently made just for this festival, but I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
We somehow managed to convince each other that going to Bukowski's after the event would be a great idea (news flash: not our best), so we snagged a cab back to Inman for a nightcap.

Beer: Harviestoun's Old Engine Oil Porter
ABV: 6.00%
Home: Alva, Scotland, UK
Slogan: Viscous-Bittersweet-Dark

The color is as dark as it gets with a tan head. Strong, bitter coffee is the predominant flavor - it reminds me of the overly bitter Starbucks dark roast if you buy it in the cafe rather than make it yourself. The brewery describes this beer as having a residual bittersweet flavor, but I think it's actually pretty dry. Also smoky. My fellow mug teammate was adamant that it tastes like "liquid smoke in a meat locker" (keep in mind this was immediately post-brewfest). Earthy finish. I might have picked a bad time to get this one - I think I'd appreciate this beer more if I hadn't just tried dozens at the brewers fest.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Crush it like Quint!

"Crush it like Quint" Night (a.k.a. Gansett Night, a.k.a. Jaws Night). The mug team gathered at Bukowski's to watch Jaws on the TVs while enjoying some good beer. Since I already checked the Gansett off my card, I closed out the Bottle Specials category with my first beer of the night - huge accomplishment!

Beer: Newburyport Pale Ale
ABV: 5.50%
Home: Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA

This can of Newburyport is my final "bottle special." I drank it straight out of the can in the spirit of "Crush it like Quint" night, so I don't have any notes on the aroma or color. The first sip is a little harsh, but it gets noticeably smoother as you go. Dry and moderately bitter with earthy hops.

During this first round, we watched with the rest of the bar as Quint got crushed by Jaws at the end! I haven't heard the bar react that loudly since the Stanley Cup Finals.

Beer: Trappistes Rochefort 8
ABV: 9.20%
Home: Rochefort, Belgium

First of all, it should be noted that the Trappist Abbey of Rochefort has been brewing beer since 1595! After looking up pronunciation in several places, we started saying Rochefort as "Roash-For," which is the closest I can get in English to the French pronunciation. The 8, which is one of their browns, is Rochefort's most produced beer. The pour is so pretty and takes a little extra time to complete, which has been par for the course with Trappist beers. The beer is a murky brown color with an off-white head. The flavor is nutty and a little sour, with a long bittersweet finish.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


TGIT = TGI (Taco) Tuesday!!

Beer: Spaten Helles Lager
ABV: 5.20%
Home: Munich, Germany

I was disappointed starting with the aroma, when I realized that the beer was slightly skunked - Once again, not a surprise with the green bottle. One of our good friends who joined us at the bar said that it reminded her of Stella Artois and my fellow mug teammate used the phrase "faint field corn" to describe the taste - I just couldn't get past the skunkiness to distinguish anything else on my own.

Beer: Allagash Tripel Ale
ABV: 9.00%
Home: Portland, Maine, USA

While I've had the Allagash White many times, I've never tried their Tripel Ale. Delicious brew! The pour yields a generous fruity-smelling head on top of a translucent golden brew. I immediately recognized citrus fruit with a slight sweetness to accent the flavor.

Beer: Lindeman's Peche
ABV: 2.50%
Home: Vlezenbeek, Belgium

This beer has the lowest ABV on the list so far, which balances out the Tripel quite nicely! Pours a clear, light amber with virtually no head. The peach aroma is immediately apparent. The taste reminds me of an ice wine - sweet and almost syrupy. It's hard to believe this bottle is 12 oz - It looks larger and the Peche is a slow-drinking beer. I recommend splitting it as a dessert!

And with that, everyone on the mug team has reached triple digits! Cheers to being on the home stretch!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Post-ride session

Cheers to post-ride sessions on a Saturday afternoon!

Beer: Flying Dog Old Scratch Amber Lager
ABV: 5.50%
Home: Frederick, Maryland, USA
Slogan: "Good people drink good beer"

The Flying Dog labels have been catching my eye for years. It turns out that the label art is the work of Ralph Steadman, who famously illustrated Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. In fact, Steadman was introduced to the Flying Dog founder by Thompson himself (he lived down the mountain from the brewery's original Colorado location). Anyway, about the drinking experience... The pour yields a very thin head on top of a clear amber brew. This is a well-balanced beer: Its malty, slightly sweet and slightly bitter flavors remind me very much of the Full Sail Amber. Very drinkable.

Beer: Hitachino Nest Real Ginger Brew
ABV: 7.00%
Home: Naka, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan

This Japanese beer is categorized as an herbed/spiced beer in Beer Advocate. In addition to their beers, Kiuchi Brewery also makes sake and shouchu (a traditional Japanese, high-alcohol spirit made from sweet potatoes that I should definitely try). The beer pours a light orange color with virtually no head, but it takes no time at all to detect the robust ginger aroma. Surprisingly, though, the ginger is subtle in the beer's flavor and it was quite delicious. I've had ginger drinks that were way too harsh and I was worried this experience would be similar. Not so. Very refreshing with just a touch of sweetness.

Beer: Bass Pale Ale
ABV: 5.00%
Home: Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, England, UK
Slogan: "Ah, that's Bass"

The beer pours a copper color with no head. The aroma gives a fairly accurate preview of the flavor, as it's too subtle to determine anything specific. All I can say about the taste is that it's a bit tangy. It's not bad, but not memorable. I don't remember the last time I had this beer by itself - It's better in a Black and Tan!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lagunitas Night

Beer: Lagunitas Sonoma Farmhouse Ale
ABV: 5.20%
Home: Petaluma, California, USA
Slogan: "Life is uncertain, don't sip"

Until we're done with the challenge, this is the only beer I'll review that's not on the card! We couldn't resist tonight's "get a pint, take a pint glass" special for all Lagunitas beers on draft. Pretty sweet glasses, too, if you ask me! Good lord, this beer is delicious. It's light-bodied, lightly hopped, and ever-so-slightly bitter with an earthy finish. There's a subtle spice in this beer that I can't quite identify - yet another feature that makes this beer unique.

Beer: Affligem Blond Ale
ABV: 6.80%
Home: Affligem, Belgium

I figured it would be a quick visit since the bar was so crowded for Lagunitas Night, but we ended up getting just one more (big surprise). Mine was the Affligem Blond, which was fantaaaastic. Beautiful pour with a thick, foamy, off-white head atop a clear golden beer. The aroma is a little fruity and slightly sweet. Super drinkable with a slightly nutty flavor - almost like hazelnut.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Random Taco Tuesday

Beer: Ayinger Celebrator
ABV: 6.70%
Home: Aying, Germany
Slogan: "The best thing about Munich is the road to Aying"

This beer pours a very dark brown with a thin head that dissipated before I could get a picture. My friends really enjoyed this beer, and I liked it, but I wasn't completely into it. It's a doppelbock that's intensely bitter and sweet, neither of which I enjoy in excess. I did get a toy goat, though! (Fun fact: Bock also means "goat" in German)

Beer: Pilsner Urquell
ABV: 4.40%
Home: Plzen, Czech Republic
Slogan: "We made the world's first golden pilsner and we never stopped"

I figured I'd balance out the Celebrator with a lightweight. This beer's actual Czech name is Plzensky Prazdroj ("original source of pilsner"), but clearly better known by its German name.  I remember being able to easily drink this beer when we'd buy a six-pack in grad school, but it just doesn't taste that great anymore. It's a light-bodied beer that is more bitter than sweet, and even a little metallic.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dupont Saison

What better time to drink a 25.4 oz bottle than a lazy Sunday afternoon?

Beer: Dupont Saison
ABV: 6.50%
Home: Tourpes, Belgium

The time has come for the pride and joy of Brasserie Dupont. Now, we all know what happened with the Moinette Brune a few weeks ago, so I was mentally prepared this time for a one-and-done. The sound of the cork popping lets you know that this bottle means business. Since I got three glasses out of this one, I have plenty of experience with the pour... The brew pours a cloudy golden with a substantial fluffy head. Another mug team member had the experience of a very slightly skunked (just by aroma) bottle, but she still enjoyed it! The flavor is mainly wheat and banana, but there's also a bit of citrus and light hops. Light bodied and well carbonated.

The bartender was kind enough to keep the bottle on ice while I was working on it, which made this drinking experience extra awesome. I would highly recommend doing the same for anyone drinking this beer!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Two-a-days, as in trips to the bar. After a 32 mile bike ride, my legs somehow got me to the bar for lunch. And a beer. I guess we figured that after this ride, being next to an open window would be best for everyone involved.

Beer: Sol Cerveza
ABV: 4.50%
Home: Monterrey, Mexico
Slogan: "This is Espiritu Libre"

In my delirium, I forgot to take a picture until after I'd finished this beer. Take my word for it, though, the color was a pale golden. Drank it straight out of the clear bottle (normally bad). I'm sure my opinion would have been different at any other time, but the Sol was absolutely delicious. Ice cold and refreshing. I could have put another one down easily if I wasn't in such a calorie deficit.

When we came back that night for a real session, it was slightly embarrassing to say that we'd been there earlier that day and that we didn't need a new printout of our cards...

Beer: Pretty Things Jack D'Or
ABV: 6.50%
Home: Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
Slogan: "Stay pretty & drink real beer"

Here we go, finally a hometown brew! So local, that we've met the brewers a few times at events around town. Honestly, the Jack D'Or has never been my favorite from Pretty Things, but I find it much easier to drink now after having tried so many different beers. They call the Jack D'Or a simple table beer, or "American Saison," inspired by the Dupont Saison and some favorite local IPAs. It pours a clear golden, with a light head that laces nicely. As for taste, it's fairly bitter with a dry, spicy finish. According to their beer notes, though, there are no spices in this one. Just the basics: Malt, oats, rye, sugar, hops, and yeast. Respect.

Beer: Avery Ellie's Brown Ale
ABV: 5.50%
Home: Boulder, Colorado, USA

When I saw this beer on draft, I wasn't in a huge rush to get it, as it's pretty good when poured out of a can, but I got it anyway! The Ellie's Brown is one of my go-tos, as it works for me all year round. It pours a deep red/brown with a big head that gives off a slightly nutty aroma. The taste is not too complex, with a bit of nuttiness and a slightly sweet finish. Very drinkable.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bottle Specials

There are 3 "bottle specials" on the card that we have to drink as part of the challenge. These specials are unspecified since they're always rotating. We pay attention to the specials since they can vary wildly in price. We hadn't seen any that were less than $15 and 20 oz since they cleaned out their supply of $4 MGD cans in June... until now. We immediately jumped on the Dale's - the new special for a bargain price of $5.50!

Beer: Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale
ABV: 6.50%
Home: Lyons, Colorado, USA
Slogan: "The original craft beer in a can"

Dale's is Oskar Blues' flagship beer. I ended up getting a glass after this picture was taken, so I'll just describe what it looked like: The beer pours an amber color with a two-fingers head giving off a mild earthy aroma. The taste is clean, crisp, and dry with hops that pack a solid punch. The finish is just a tad harsh, but I would definitely get it again. I thought it paired perfectly with the spicy pork tacos I ordered!

Beer: 2011 Founders Breakfast Stout
ABV: 8.30%
Home: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

I must say that I absolutely adore this beer. The Founders pours a near-black color with a tan head that bubbles slightly on the top - like a shake. Great retention and lacing down the sides of the glass. Coffee and chocolate dominate the aroma as well as the flavor. It's easy to taste the bitter cocoa chips and dark-roasted coffee in this delicious brew. It's quite smooth, yet dry. Perfect nightcap.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Styles

Beer: Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine Ale
ABV: 9.60%
Home: Chico, California, USA
Slogan: "Our cult-classic beast of a barleywine"

The aptly named Bigfoot is a strong, intense beer with a bittersweet finish. The hops are a little much for me, but the beer has a warming effect, which would make it great during the colder months. From what I understand, a barleywine is simply a beer that has the intensity and alcohol content (ranging from 9-13% ABV) of a wine. Barleywines are not wines since they are brewed from grain (barley) rather than fruit, but they can be aged. I want to try that out!

Beer: Troeg's Pale Ale
ABV: 5.40%
Home: Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA

Well, this one isn't a new style for me, but seemed like it would be a good break after the barleywine. The Troeg's pours a golden color with a small, quickly receding head. This beer is light-bodied with a mild bitterness. There's a slight sourness to the taste, though, which probably wasn't intended. Nevertheless, I thought this beer was pretty solid.

Beer: Anchor Steam Beer
ABV: 4.90%
Home: San Francisco, California, USA
Slogan: "A San Francisco brewing tradition"

Now here's a uniquely American - and more specifically, Californian - beer style! Steam beer. It turns out this style was, in fact, invented by Anchor during the 19th century. During those times in California, where refrigeration was a big luxury and there was year-round warm weather, brewers had to improvise. They started using lager yeast that could ferment quickly in warmer temperatures more suitable for ale. The origin of the word "steam" for this beer style is uncertain, but Anchor's website suggests that it might relate to how the beer was fermented on San Francisco rooftops in the foggy night air, which naturally cooled the beer and caused steam to rise from the shallow, open-air fermenters. That said, this beer pours a deep amber color with a light head that leaves great lacing behind. I was expecting bitter hops, like many West Coast beers, but was surprised at the light body and smoothness of the Anchor Steam. Very drinkable.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

National IPA Day

It turns out August 1 is National IPA Day... All we needed was a reason.

Beer: Great Divide Hercules Double IPA
ABV: 10.00%
Home: Denver, Colorado, USA
Slogan: "Great minds drink alike"

Definitely a hardcore beer, so I should thank my lucky stars that it came in a 12 oz bottle! I just learned the alcohol content of this beer after looking it up online, which explains a lot. Awesome pour with large bubbles on top of a two-finger head. A very subtle sweetness, which I would appreciate more in another beer - In this one, though, the hops are just too strong.

Beer: Spaten Optimator
ABV: 7.60%

Home: Munich, Germany

In this dimly lit bar, the Optimator is dark brown in color with an off-white, bubbly head. The taste is semi-sweet with some caramel and raisin flavors. At this point I texted one of my best friends from HS, who once famously downed a half-yard of the Optimator at The Yard House while we were celebrating my college graduation. I've never forgotten what he said about his experience: "You have to drink it while it's ice fucking cold, otherwise it tastes like soy sauce!" After texting him the picture below, he was excited to see this old friend, but he was relaxing with a Bud at home. Ah how things change! Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the label says "Malt Liquor" on it. Confused, I did some more reading. This Examiner article has a broader definition of "malt liquor" than what we've learned so far (it includes anything over 5% ABV), proving that there isn't a single correct answer to the "What is malt liquor?" question. I guess you just have to know what you're drinking!

Beer: Ballast Point Longfin Lager
ABV: 4.60%
Home: San Diego, California, USA
Slogan: "Get the point"

First impressions: This one is in the lager category, so I wasn't really expecting much. The color is a pale gold with a bit of head that didn't give off much aroma. Once I tasted it, though, I was pleasantly surprised! Very clean and crisp with just a hint of sweetness. I tried looking for it outside the bar this weekend, but wasn't able to find it among the other Ballast Point beers at the Wine and Cheese Cask or the Craft Beer Cellar!