Beer: Orval Trappist Ale
ABV: 6.20%
Home: Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium
I could drink this beer every day. The freshly poured Orval is a work of art, with its deep amber color and sea-foam head. This is a dry beer with light spices and a finish that doesn't linger. The unexpected light body had me drinking this beer in swigs. I'm just bummed that it's now off my list!
At this point, we learned that the guy sitting at the bar next to us had gone through the whole bottle list TWICE. Damn! Now here's a dude who really loves beer. He pointed out the rotating bottle specials that make up a piece of this challenge. If you drink any three, you can consider them done. The prices of these rotating bottles are all over the map and some can be expensive so it's important to pay attention. One of last night's specials was MGD in a can for $4, which my friend jumped on immediately. After the Orval, though, I couldn't go there just yet.
ABV: 4.90%
Home: Wurzburg, Germany
This beer has a rich brown color with a thick head that took a minute to settle down. Very pretty! Again, I was surprised by this beer's lightness given the color and its super smooth texture. This creamy smoothness makes the beer highly drinkable, but the flavors were muted and I was left wanting more.
On a normal weekday I'd stop here and go home, but Game 3 of the Bruins-Rangers series was starting and we had to catch at least some of the game. Now for some more appropriate beverages as Bruins fans were starting to trickle in...
Beer: Miller Lite
ABV: 4.17%
Home: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Slogan: "It's Miller Time!"
I figured I'd close out the night with this one. When you're looking to drink during a sporting event like we were, Miller Lite is a solid choice, as it's light and refreshing, but won't distract from the game! Also note the "vortex" bottleneck for maximum drinkability.
Beer: Amstel Light
ABV: 3.50%
Home: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Slogan: "The beer drinker's light beer"
ABV: 3.50%
Home: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Slogan: "The beer drinker's light beer"
So it was that kind of night - here's the "just one more" beer that my friend and I did in solidarity before finally calling it. Very mellow, refreshing, but not memorable.
Here's a fun fact: Amstel Light has a lower ABV than Miller Lite (and Bud Light - I checked)! So if you're looking for a watery party beer, Amstel is one of the best choices. I'd still choose a BL, though.
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