Sunday, September 8, 2013

Greek Fest

Before this session, we spent some time with friends at the annual Greek Fest in Somerville, having the world's best gyros and loukoumades with some delicious Opa-Opa blueberry beer. One of my all-time favorite meals. Too bad I only get it once a year! A little while after getting home, we headed back out to try a few more beers - stuffed, but up for a nightcap.

Beer: Schneider Aventinus Eisbock
ABV: 12.00%
Home: Kelheim, Germany

I should start by explaining the story behind this beer style: To create an Eisbock, the brewers partially freeze the beer so that the slush can be scooped out, concentrating the brew such that the alcohol overpowers any subtle flavors. I'm not really a fan. This beer pours a dark brown sludge with a moderately sized, but quickly dissipating head that gives off a sweet aroma. The taste is overly sweet with a syrupy body. Very strong. Banana is the only flavor I can really distinguish.

Beer: Aecht Schlenkerla Helles Lagerbier
ABV: 4.30%
Home: Bamberg, Germany

Pours a light golden with very little head. Light-bodied and crisp, but with noticeable smokiness characteristic of Bamberg brews. Not a surprise considering that the Helles is brewed in the same copper kettles as Schlekerla's famous smoked beer! The smokiness is more subtle than a Rauch, though, since no smoked malt is used. A unique brew that I'd order again.

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